Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Out Of the Blue

Well, it's been quite a while, hasn't it?  I don't know who said it, but there's a quote that goes along the lines of "life is what happens when you're making other plans".  I must say, I agree.  I'm working on a blog update, but can't seem to get the exact settings I want.  It's a work in progress.  I'm sure my 3-person fan base will be thrilled :)

Life was very busy in 2012.  The kids have grown, and hopefully I've grown as well.  There's no way to do a recap for the year in one easy sitting, so if you're interested here are the highlights....

     Jakob has grown about a foot and a half, and is now a bit taller than I am.  His voice has changed and he sounds just like his Dad.  He started High School (gulp!) and is growing into a young man I am proud to say is my son.  He is now a Life Scout; one step away from Eagle.  He is learning computer programming from his Dad and I'm just waiting for the day that he announces his own computer system/game/product.

     Kyle has also begun to grow, too (and grow, and grow!).  He decided to drop his trumpet lessons and concentrate on chorus.   He was chosen for all-county choir (yeah, Ky!) and we're looking forward to attending the concert in the Spring.  He is now a Star Scout and working hard to advance, earning the most badges in his troop this past summer at Scout Camp.  He is a great kid.

     Cassidy is growing into a lovely young lady, and is continuing Girl Scouts as a Juliette (by herself).  She's working on selecting her Silver Award project.  She also enjoys chorus, and has joined the cross-country team.  She's fast!  She regularly makes the Honor and High Honor roll at school and I couldn't ask for a more kind-hearted and thoughtful daughter (other than the eye roll and oft-repeated "Mom!").  Such a middle-schooler.

    Abigail now has hearing aids and is doing quite well with them.  She started Kindergarten in a fully integrated classroom and is doing just fine.  She now enjoys dance classes and we can't wait to see the big recital in May.  She can write her name and uses her iPad for supplemental communication and occupational therapy at school.  Here at home, we use sign and she is using more and more words. As always, she continues to amaze and inspire us.

   David and I will be celebrating our 20th Anniversary this year!  Wow!  What a wild and crazy ride it's been.  I am no longer working for a non-profit, but have struck out on my own.  I'll tell you more about that later.  I continue with my writing and I am once again volunteering as the Editor for our local Ds Network.  David helped to form a local chapter of D.A.D.S. (Dads Appreciating Down Syndrome), as well, and is now the VP for our local Ds Network.

   Our yard, front and back, underwent a much-needed overhaul over the summer.  With a little help from the D.A.D.S. Muscle (they totally rock!) group, my front walkway was completely redone.  I then continued the job by finishing up with landscaping, about 8 yards of mulch, setting brick for borders around the entire house, re-laying paving stones for a grill pad out back by the deck, and generally sprucing up the landscaping.  It was lots and lots of hard work, but well worth the effort.  I most certainly got lots of exercise ;)  This coming summer I'll do a bit more finishing and touch up.

Now it's time to greet Abbie as she gets off the school bus, which she totally LOVES to ride.  Go figure...